
Lived: 3 years

Breed: Skinny Pig

Zelda was a unique and special guinea pig, distinguished by her nearly hairless body with just slight tufts of fur on her nose and feet. As our most cuddly guinea pig, she often sought out humans for snuggles, loving to curl up on a person's chest and fall asleep to the sound of their heartbeat.

Her Personality and Care:

Zelda had a voracious appetite, enjoying snacks and extra food all day, yet she remained our smallest adult guinea pig. Bath times were extra special with Zelda, requiring not only special guinea pig shampoo but also special oils to keep her sensitive skin healthy.

Despite her challenges, Whisper continues to be full of love and care for all those around her.

Her Legacy:

Zelda's affectionate nature and unique appearance made her a beloved member of our sanctuary. Unfortunately, she passed away from undetected complications in her organs. Despite her untimely departure, Zelda's memory continues to bring warmth and fond memories to everyone who knew her. She will always be remembered for her love of snuggles and her sweet, gentle presence.