
Age: 5

Breed: Abyssinian-Peruvian Mix (Sheba)

Whisper is one of our most gentle and loving piggies. She is the mother of Spunky and Sprocket and tends to mother all our other guinea pigs as well. It's obvious that she loves taking care of everybody. Whisper is also our oldest guinea pig.

Her Story:

Whisper joined our sanctuary in 2021 at a very low weight. We didn’t know she was pregnant at first, and even two vets told us she wasn't. However, her growing tummy hinted otherwise, and a third vet confirmed her pregnancy. Her age made the pregnancy and birth extra dangerous, resulting in a mix of fear and excitement at our sanctuary. Whisper gave birth to three babies, but only two survived. She was injured during the birthing process and needed months of rehab to walk properly again.

Despite her challenges, Whisper continues to be full of love and care for all those around her.