
Age: 3

Breed: American

Malta is one of the largest guinea pigs our sanctuary has taken in. Her love for food is evident in her luscious body, and she has a charming personality that revolves around her appetite.

Her Personality:

While Malta can be very timid, her love for snacks often overcomes her shyness. No matter how scared she might seem in a moment, once she sees a human with a snack,she instantly becomes their best friend—at least temporarily. This endearing trait makes her a favorite among visitors and caretakers alike.

Her Interactions:

With our other guinea pigs, Malta can sometimes be a bit of a bully when it comes to stealing their snacks. However, despite this occasional behavior, she is generally a very sweet and mellow guinea pig. She enjoys lounging around and watching the activities of the sanctuary from a cozy spot.

Her Impact:

Malta's presence adds a unique dynamic to our sanctuary. Her large size and strong personality make her a standout among our guinea pigs. Her ability to switch from timid to friendly when snacks are involved brings smiles to everyone who interacts with her. We are committed to ensuring Malta continues to live a happy and healthy life, surrounded by love and plenty of snacks.