
Lived: 5 years

Breed: American

Cookie arrived at our sanctuary in dire condition. As a 3-year-old guinea pig, she weighed only 442 grams, significantly lower than a pig of her age and bone structure should weigh. Cookie was the third piggy to join our sanctuary, and she opened our eyes to the harsh realities of pet abuse.

Her Story and Recovery:

Cookie came to us with no teeth and many missing patches of fur. Through numerous vet appointments and a lot of love, we were able to nurse her back to a healthy weight, and most of her teeth started growing back. She was always gentle and curious, capturing our hearts with her resilience and sweet nature.

Her Legacy:

Though Cookie seemed to improve over a couple of years, a routine veterinary appointment revealed that she had stomach cancer. It was another heartbreaking moment for our sanctuary, but we are comforted knowing we did everything possible to keep her safe, happy, and comfortable. Cookie's journey has taught us about the strength and spirit of these small creatures and reinforced our commitment to providing a loving home for all guinea pigs in need.